
本人很高興和榮幸,能藉此特別的機會,在這裡和瀏覽此網頁的制服團隊及有意參與軍事遺蹟保育的朋友見面。 我很開心見到很多既熟識又充滿笑容的年青面孔, 並希望你們能藉着對軍事遺蹟保育團的了解從而得知何謂充實和有意義的團體生活。 我希望能有多一些時間, 可以跟你們每一位相聚和傾談, 讓大家了解我對軍事遺蹟保育團的理想和抱負 。

這個團隊建基於大量值得我們懷念和驕傲的集體回憶, 以及我們認同的社會價值,包括對知識的追求、對軍事遺蹟保育的熱誠、 勇於接受挑戰的決心、服務社會的承擔, 以及創造和抓緊機會的技能。 作為軍事遺蹟保育團的司令, 我藉此鼓勵各位年青學員及有熱誠和幹勁的社會人士能積極參與軍事遺蹟的保育工作。 我保證你們所付出的時間及努力、定必對香港的未來發展有莫大的裨益、亦令各位終生受用。

我雖然沒有水晶球, 但我想與各位分享一些我的見解。 環境保育事業在亞太區,尤其是中國,正迅速發展。 正如我之前在軍事遺蹟保育團的成立典禮上說過,十年之後,你們將見證到我們在軍事遺蹟以及環境保育方面有顯著的成就。 這些事工都是學生成長及發展的機會,而要抓緊這些機會,我們需要加入既願意投身遺蹟保育而又具創意的生力軍。 這趨勢不單在中國如此,放眼世界皆是。 二十一世紀的世界並非一個零和遊戲,亞太 ... (閱讀全文)

- 除夕倒數煙花匯演嘉年華 (2019-12-31)
- 曲奇慈善跑人群管理 (2019-12-22)
- 摩星嶺越野定向人群管理 (2019-12-08)
- 少年飛鷹營地領導才訓練 (2019-08-24)
- 海下两天海洋保育營 (2019-07-13)
- 投考紀律部隊两天訓練營 (2019-06-15)
- 初級指揮官訓練班 (2019-05-11)
- FMD摩星嶺導賞實習 (2019-05-04)
- 導賞員工作坊 (2019-04-28)
- 視察蠔涌營地 (2019-04-21)
- 体藝中学摩星嶺導賞 (2019-04-16)
- FMD七周年晚宴 (2019-04-13)
- 全港軍事遺蹟定向比賽 (2019-04-07)
- 地圖閱讀訓練 (2019-03-31)
- 街坊福到会城門防線導賞 (2019-03-24)
- 山野安全講座 (2019-03-23)
- 時間管理訓練 (2019-02-23)
- 健康產業大獎 (2019-01-21)
- 陳端喜中學摩星嶺導賞 (2019-01-19)
- Organ Donation Promotion Walk (2019-01-13)
- Shenzhen Lions Exchange (2019-01-12)
- Lions Charity Walk (2019-01-06)
- NY Countdown cum Firework Display Carnival (2018-12-31)
- Guided Tour for TKT KWA (2018-12-16)
- Crowd Control for Mt Davis Orienteering (2018-12-09)
- 軍事遺蹟定向挑戰賽2018 (2018-11-11)
- Military Relic Orienteering 2018 (2018-11-11)
- Lung Fu Shan Guided Tour (2018-11-03)
- Crowd Management Duty for Megalife (2018-10-21)
- Crowd Management Duty in Western (2018-10-01)
- After Typhoon Clearance in Kut O (2018-09-30)
- Tree Cutting clearance in Pakistan Club (2018-09-29)
- Visit to Chicago University (2018-09-28)
- Fire Safety Ambassador Training (2018-09-22)
- Visit to the Home for the Aged (2018-09-09)
- Military Relics Guided Tour @Mt Davis (2018-08-16)
- Military Relics Guided Tour @Wong Nai Chung (2018-08-09)
- First Aid Service in Dancing Gala (2018-07-30)
- New Join Officers Induction Training (2018-07-28)
- 【挑戰自我、再戰明天 , 兩日一夜領導才能訓練營】 (2018-07-21)
- New Join Officers Induction Training (2018-07-14)
- Familiarization Visit to FMD the Philippines (2018-07-09)
- Hok Tsui Peninsula Clean Hong Kong (2018-05-13)
- APC repainting (2018-05-06)
- Tai Po Ting Kok Clean Hong Kong (2018-05-05)
- Ap Chau Clean Hong Kong (2018-04-22)
- Macau Flying Eagle Association 18th Anniversary (2018-04-21)
- Eye Test for Kindergarten Students (2018-04-14)
- APC Repainting at Sai Kung (2018-04-08)
- Guided Tour for Shatin Tiyi Secondary School at Mt Davis (2018-03-28)
- Life Journey 2018 Training Camp (2018-03-17)
- St Barnaba Meal Box Delivery (2018-03-16)
- Tour Guide for Mt Davis (2018-03-11)
- School Talk for TiYi College (2018-03-02)
- Crowd Management for Fire Safety Youth Hockey Day (2018-01-20)
- Military Cooking Stove Protection in Mt Parker (2018-01-18)
- Crowd Management LKEC Fund Raising Walkathon (2018-01-14)
- APC Repainting (2018-01-12)
- Junior Command Course (2018-01-12)
- Military Heritage Conservation in Mt Davis (2018-01-07)
- 6th Annual Dinner (2018-01-06)
- Shore protection and Clean Environment (2018-01-01)
- New Year Countdown Crowd Management (2017-12-31)
- Ocean Reducing Waste Education Workshop (2017-12-17)
- Clean Mount Davis (2017-12-16)
- Crowd Management MT Davis Orienteering (2017-12-03)
- APC Repainting (2017-11-19)
- Shing Mun battery Cleaning (2017-10-07)
- Charity Movie Watch (2017-09-30)
- Mid Autumn Festival Carnival (2017-09-30)
- Clean Hong Kong (2017-09-23)
- Military Relic Repainting (2017-08-20)
- 保安服務行業两日一夜保安工作體驗訓練營(第三場) (2017-08-05)
- Table manne and Social Etiquette (2017-07-29)
- 保安服務行業两日一夜保安工作體驗訓練營(第二場) (2017-07-22)
- LKEC Flag Selling (2017-07-15)
- 勇闖東龍、再戰明天(两日一夜野外訓練營) (2017-07-08)
- Leo Community Service - Tuen Mun (2017-06-25)
- 保安服務行業两日一夜保安工作體驗訓練營(第一場) (2017-06-24)
- RTHK Interview (2017-05-29)
- Map Reading and Orienteering for The CCC Yenching College (2017-05-21)
- Map reading Train the trainer for Sams Family & Leos (2017-05-14)
- Seminar on Diabete and Kidney Disease (2017-04-29)
- Parker Hill Military Stove (2017-04-08)
- Golden Hill Defence Visit (2017-03-26)
- Wong Nai Chung Defence Line Visit (2017-03-25)
- Devil Hill Exploration Visit (2017-03-19)
- Military Relics Repainting (2017-03-18)
- Chiu Chow Cultural Exchange (2017-03-11)
- Ap Lei Chau Military Exploration Visit (2017-03-04)
- Life Development Path Experience Camp (2017-03-04)
- Mt Davis Heritage Conservation (2017-02-25)
- LKEC Fund Raising Walkathon (2017-01-15)
- Crowd Management - Youth Music Concert (2017-01-08)
- Environment Protection & Guided Tour Promotion (2017-01-01)
- Firework Display1 (2016-12-31)
- Youth Camp (2016-12-26)
- Military Armored Carrier Repainting Operation (2016-12-10)
- 防火奇兵 (2016-12-04)
- Crowd Managemnet for YL Wai Kwan Centre (2016-12-03)
- Mount Davis Orienteering (2016-11-27)
- C&W Festival (2016-11-20)
- Fun Camp with Low Level Family in TP Farm (2016-10-30)
- 中西區區節 (2016-10-20)
- HKKEC Eye Care for Children (2016-10-15)
- Fire Safety Carnival in Western (2016-09-30)
- 中西區慶祝國慶晚會 (2016-09-20)
- World War II presentation for Lions Club Mt Davis (2016-09-13)
- 中秋敬老嘉年華 (2016-09-10)
- Balloon Twisting (2016-09-05)
- Public Speech in History Museum (2016-08-03)
- Youth Exchange in Swatow until 3 August 2016 (2016-07-30)
- Youth Exchange in Beijing until 23Jul 2016 (2016-07-16)
- C&W Youth Festival - Knots (2016-07-10)
- KEC - Eye Examination Service (2016-07-09)
- Central Kai Fong Assoc Elderly Health Care (2016-06-25)
- Hong Kong Kids Eye Cares - Eye Examination Servise (2016-05-28)
- Intensive Training for Adult Members (2016-05-28)
- Guided Tour Practical Training in Disneyland (2016-04-04)
- Mount Davis Guided Tour for Tai Ping Shan Lions Club (2016-04-03)
- Disciplined Service Recruitment Training Camp (2016-02-20)
- 4th Anniversary Annual Dinner (2016-01-23)
- Lions Kidney Education Centre Fund Raising Walkathon (2016-01-17)
- Crowd Management Duty in Central for Fire Work Display (2015-12-31)
- Powered Parachute Experience Flying in Zeng Chen (2 Days) (2015-12-25)
- Central & Western District Fire Prevention Carnival (2015-12-13)
- Crowd Management duty at Mount Davis and Lung Fu Shan (2015-12-06)
- Flag Selling Day for Road Safety Association (2015-10-31)
- CAS Guided Tour in Mount Davis (2015-10-24)
- Canoe Instructor Training Course (2 Days) (2015-10-17)
- Military Heritage Conservation - Repainting of RHKR Logo (2015-10-10)
- FMD Speech at Costal Defence Musuem (2015-10-10)
- Guided Tour for Tai Po Boy Scout at Mount Davis (2015-09-27)
- Mid Autumn Festival Crowd Management in Belcher Park (2015-09-19)
- National Day Ceremony (2015-09-18)
- Central & Western District Medal Presentation Ceremony (2015-09-07)
- Tung Lung Island Survival Camp (2 Days) (2015-09-05)
- HAB Medal presentation (2015-09-05)
- Clean HK Kick Off Ceremony (2015-08-01)
- 6-day Youth Cultural Exchange in Fujian (2015-07-27)
- Youth Festival in Central & Western District (2015-07-12)
- Fire Safety Ambassador Trainer Training Course (2 Days) (2015-07-06)
- Survival Camp in Mount Davis (2 Days) (2015-05-23)
- Promotion Speech in Shun Yeung Primary School (2015-05-12)
- Tung Lung Island Recce (2015-05-10)
- Crowd Management for Taekwondo Open Examination (2015-05-03)
- Heart Net Guided Tour in Mount Davis (2015-04-25)
- Friends of Mount Davis 10th Anniversary Cerebration (2015-04-24)
- Macau Flying Eagle Ten Thousand Teens Parade (2 Days) (2015-04-18)
- Tung Ping Chau Guided Tour (2015-04-06)
- Crowd Management for Mount Davis Guided Tour (2015-04-04)
- First Aid Training (2015-04-04)
- FMD Speech at Rotary Club in Central (2015-04-02)
- Crowd Management for Central Road Safety Carnival (2015-03-29)
- Career Talk at Hip Wo College (2015-03-06)
- Lung Fu Shan Guided Tour (2015-03-01)
- FMD Spring Dinner (2015-02-09)
- Macau Thousand Teens Parade (2015-02-01)
- Social Etiquette and Table Manner Training (2015-01-24)
- Crowd Management for LKEC in Ma Liu Shui Promenade (2015-01-18)
- FMD Recruitment Exercise in Sheung Wan Pedestrian Walk (2014-12-28)
- Crowd Management in Sheung Wan Dog Garden (2014-12-14)
- FMD Recruitment Exercise in Sheung Wan Pedestrian Walk (2014-12-07)
- Crowd Management in Shatin Sportsground (2014-12-01)
- FMD Expedition Training Camp (2014-11-29)
- FMD Taekwondo Competition (2014-11-26)
- Mountaineering Safety Training (2014-11-15)
- FMD Fund Raising Dinner (2014-11-15)
- FMD Sports Competition (2014-11-08)
- Map Reading Training (2014-11-01)
- Macau Flying Eagle Association Visit (2014-10-29)
- Crowd Management in Central for PRC 65th National Day (2014-09-28)
- 社區服務 (2014-09-16)
- Taekwondo Dance (2014-08-30)
- Moon Cake Distribution to the Elderly (2014-08-30)
- Crowd Management in Western for PRC 65th National Day (2014-08-30)
- 社區服務 (2014-08-20)
- 支援國際獅子會腎病教育中及研究基金賣旗日 (2014-07-31)
- Lions Kidney Educational Centre - Flag Selling (2014-07-26)
- Crowd Management for Central District Festival (2014-07-03)
- Powered Parachute Experienced Flying - China (2014-06-28)
- 即將舉辦之活動預告 (2014-05-26)
- 2-day Disciplined Service Recruitment Training Camp (2014-02-28)
- FMD Annual Dinner (2014-01-05)